LITHIC TREE - A SEARCH FOR NATURAL STEREOTOMY. - FALLACARA/CALABRIA - Presses de l'Ecole nationale des ponts et chaussées

Lithic tree - a search for natural stereotomy.

Claudia calabria
Lithic tree, a search for natural stereotomy .The lithic tree as a new generation of branched structuresFrom conception to finished product: digital fabrication and architectural techniques of stone prototypeParametrization of formStructural simulation of the lithic tree behaviorWorkshop: stereotomy, new and old practicesPractical experiences in other school of stereotomyThe sexpartite vault in the Architecture School of MadridDidactic experiences about stone: Mecastone.
30,00 €
EAN 9782859784843
Collection Livres ponts et chaussees
Date de parution 12/12/2014
Format 12 mm x 202 mm x 202 mm
Nombre de pages 164
30,00 €
Disponible sous 3/4 jours

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