Rebuilding Notre-Dame de Paris - Mathieu Lours, Mathieu Lours - TALLANDIER

Rebuilding notre-dame de paris

Mathieu lours, mathieu lours
On 15 April 2019, as the entire world looked on in disbelief, the roof framework and spire of Notre-Dame de Paris erupted into a blazing inferno, before vanishing from the Paris skyline altogether, consumed by the flames and leaving gaping holes in the cathedral’s vaults. The collective sense of loss was profound and overwhelming. From the devastation of the deeply damaged edifice to its resurrection five years later, this book chronicles one of the most remarkable construction sites of the twenty-first century. It also tells the story of an extraordinary challenge on an immense scale, met with unflagging dedication and pride both within the cathedral itself and in workshops scattered throughout France. Rebuilding Notre-Dame de Paris documents the official history of this tremendous human achievement, illustrated with over 250 photographs and plans, and enriched by exclusive first-hand testimonies from the craftsmen and women, architects and engineers who combined their expertise and worked together to rebuild Notre-Dame de Paris
49,90 €
EAN 9791021062153
Collection Albums illustrés
Date de parution 13/11/2024
Format 28 mm x 330 mm x 248 mm
Nombre de pages 304
49,90 €

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