Tasteful -  Gestalten - DGV


Dining out is so much more than just what you can order off the menu. Tasteful serves up a selection of restaurant interiors that add an eye-catching element to the dining experience. The ever-evolving landscape of the gastronomic industry never fails to surprise with new ideas and trends -- and Tasteful is a testament to that. A follow-up on the earlier gestalten title Appetizer, this book is a curated selection of the most eye-catching interiors of new restaurants, cafes, bars and all kinds of food places. Featuring a variety styles from a host of diverse locations around the planet, Tasteful serves as both a travel guide for intrepid foodies and an inspiration for those passionate about design.
50,00 €
EAN 9783967041484
Éditeur DGV
Date de parution 14/08/2024
Format 28 mm x 300 mm x 240 mm
Nombre de pages 256
50,00 €

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