The House of green -  Gestalten - DGV

The house of green

In the search for the sweet spot where nature and modern-day living meet, The House of Green delivers solutions for a perfect blend of both worlds.<br /> Longing for nature is no strange feeling for anyone. We dream about forests and waterfalls whenever we need a minute to breathe and relax. But what if the calming lushness were a part of our daily life and work?<br /> The House of Green is a collection of the most stunning architecture and interiors incorporating nature in their designs, that explores the benefits of this approach to homes, workplaces, and more. Whether you are a design lover looking to revamp your home or a designer searching for new professional solutions, we invite you to dive in and fully experience The House of Green through the immersive visual pages inside.
45,00 €
EAN 9783967041408
Éditeur DGV
Date de parution 21/03/2024
Format 1 mm x 290 mm x 225 mm
Nombre de pages 256
45,00 €

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