Designing coffee -  Gestalten - DGV

Designing coffee

gestalten , lani kingston, gestalten , lani kingston
Cutting-edge design and unique spaces created for indulging coffee around the world that make your heart go faster.<br /><br /> Over the past few years, the world of coffee has kickstarted a movement of cultural and creative influence. From unique jute bags, logos, or merchandise—cafes, roasters, and coffee shops around the globe are experimenting with new ways to provide spaces and product packaging that stand out from the crowd. <br /><br /> Designing Coffee explores what it takes to curate some of the most innovative and eclectic coffee shops of today, from brand identity and packaging, through to interior design and architecture. Celebrating unique spaces, such as the minimalist, tea-house-like coffeeshops of Japan or communist themed cafes in Vietnam, this book provides advice on how to create a unique space of your own.
45,00 €
EAN 9783967040975
Éditeur DGV
Date de parution 23/05/2023
Format 27 mm x 265 mm x 215 mm
Nombre de pages 256
45,00 €

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